I consider myself a pretty nice, relatively even-tempered person. In fact, while I am quite opinionated, I am more concerned about putting people off so I try not to be too loud about said opinions unless I'm really pushed.
I think a lot of that has to do with my dual background: asian and southern. Between the two cultures, I was not really encouraged to speak my mind too much. I was pretty comfortable with that, which was a huge reason why I was hesitant to move to the New York City area. But...
I distinctly remember when that all changed. I had lived in Hoboken and worked in Manhattan for only a couple of months. I was still getting used to parallel parking, maneuvering a mass-transit system and not making eye contact, but the trigger was something fairly innocuous.
I was at a CVS store and as the cashier handed me my change, I said, "Thank you." So far so good, right? Well, she looked at me like I had 3 heads, glared at me and mumbled something back that didn't even resemble "You're Welcome."
I was shocked, semi-insulted, and...about 5 minutes later...really irritated.
And thus began my slow yet steady transition, for the better, I think, of standing up for myself more. That 5 minute reaction time decreased until, very slowly, I became used to giving an immediate reaction that was a little more expressive than a look of shock and hurt. In fact, it can get a little angry. And occasionally, I will go beyond that.
I will Go Jersey.
Long before Jersey Shore became well-known for the almost weekly brawls, I credited living in the NYC metro area with bringing out a certain...pugnacious side of me. It's not that I would intentionally pick fights, but when pushed to the limit, my sweet demeanor could turn. Quickly.
My friends and I started calling this, "going Jersey." It would come out at predictable moments: when people cut me off on the Turnpike, when oglers would get too aggressive on the streets of the city and of course, when people yelled at me.
A classic story of going Jersey happened while I was in, of all places, Baltimore. ProMo and I were passing through on our way south to visit our parents, and after a fun night out with some friends, we decided to get a slice of pizza to eat in the car before we hit the road. Now, at this point my car...excuse me...my Pontiac Sunfire sedan...was pretty banged up from, well, living in Jersey and staying generally parked on the streets.
They call them "bumpers" for a reason.
So there we are, ProMo and I, listening to some rap music, windows down, singing along, eating our pizza and savoring each delicious, greasy bite as if our lives depended on it. Just then a car pulls up ahead and attempts to parallel park in the spot in front of us. Now I know that I was and am biased, but even to the novice parallel parker, this spot was a no-brainer. The driver (a female) seems hesitant. She tries, fails, and re-tries. ProMo and I, in a fantastic mood, are happily cheering her on. She almost has it. I, in the driver's seat and still singing, jamming, and eating pizza, gesture for her to keep backing up. The windows are down in the car and ProMo and I are both saying things like, "keep going! You've got it!"
Actually, she's still having trouble. Our cheerleading is not helping. At this point, her boyfriend gets out of the car to help. Our eyes start rolling. Now all three of us are coaching her.
She is close to my front bumper but this is her best attempt yet at actually getting into the spot. Boyfriend looks nervous. ProMo and I are STILL gesturing for her to keep backing up. Between greasy bites and singing, I'm saying things like, "That's what bumpers are for!" and "My car is crap anyway!" and my personal favorite, "Keep going until you hit resistance! Trust me!"
And again, this was a HUGE spot.
Boyfriend's worried look is slowly turning into a look of annoyance. In my head I'm thinking, "Surely this annoyed and suddenly sour face isn't directed towards me. I'm coaching her, for goodness sake." He then opens his mouth and yells...YELLS!... "MOVE!...BACK!"
ProMo and I are dumbfounded. Silent. Music is still blasting but I am acutely aware of at least 2 seconds of silence as I blink and stare with pizza grease dripping from the side of my mouth.
At that point, I'm not exactly sure what happened. I remember lots of yelling and gesturing (if you know me, you know I talk A LOT with my hands), pointing and cursing from both me AND ProMo. Pretty sure pizza bits were flying out of my mouth too. At some point, ProMo either stopped for a breath or realized what we were doing and stopped which made my final words all that much clearer: "...AND BY THE WAY I COULD PARK TWO F-ING CARS IN THAT SPOT!!"
Now it's boyfriend's turn to stare and blink. He quickly and quietly gets into girlfriend's car and they speed off, abadoning the spot and presumably their dreams of pizza for the night.
It's quiet (except for the rap music), I'm still fuming and ProMo says quietly..."I think maybe it's time for us to move away from Jersey..."
And that, my friends, is what it means to Go Jersey.
This is HYSTERICAL. Minus the Jersey stereotype :)
ReplyDeleteThanks LL. Spoken like a true Jersey girl. ;)
ReplyDeleteI wish this had come out in class. You think anyone would have dared not pay attention?