Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Fever

Spring is here! And with it, I have a LOT of observations that have been dying for a blog post.

Where to begin?  Well let's start with a little positivity...

March Madness!
I love love love NCAA tournament time!  Even though I cheer for a team that everyone loves to hate (Go Duke!), I really do cheer for the underdog in every other game! :)  There is something that has always made me happy about watching the tournament and college basketball in general. I guess it's the heart and passion of the players, which is something that I think is lacking in the NBA.  Each game is relatively short and sweet and it doesn't matter if you love, hate or are indifferent to the teams who are playing.  An exciting game is an exciting game no matter what!

You can't beat the Crazies!!

Now, when I haven't been watching basketball, I've been observing the people around me.  What does this include? How about...

Wardrobe Choices - female edition
Well, you don't need to be in a college town to know that when the weather gets warmer, the clothes get smaller.  And ladies, I get it.  Especially here in "Bleaksburg" where we are all just DYING to shed the sweaters, boots, parkas, mittens, etc.  I love a good sundress just as much as the next girl.  But I urge you all to please please look in a mirror before leaving the apartment. Oh, and turn on the lights.  Transparency is an issue.

Ack! Fashion don't!!!
I almost killed Ravs for taking this but I appreciate its comedic value now!

And here's why you should care. You are dealing with a campus of approximately 15,000 males between the approximate ages of 18-22.

Let that sink in for a hot sec.

Whether they want to look or not, they will. They can't help it.  And sometimes, even though you think you want that attention, you don't. Trust.

Wardrobe choices - male edition
Fellas, I know you are just as desperate as the ladies to bid adieu to winter, but the belief that a sunny 50 degrees = shorts and t-shirt weather is sadly misguided. I know you can get away with more than the ladies in terms of fashion ignorance, but try not to take advantage of that too much.

Speaking of male appearances, this may be a good opportunity to talk about the male student haircut.  As far as I can tell, it falls under two categories: buzz cut (or the "#3 all over" as my hair stylist calls it) or the shaggy "I haven't been home for months and I can't possibly bring myself to go for a haircut here" look.  Personally, I happen to be slightly partial to this second look, but sometimes boys take it a little too far.

[This would be a great time to insert pics of some of my students, but to do so would probably blur the boundaries of legality.  And since I teach a class in Professional & Legal Issues, that would be inappropriate. But come visit me in the 'burg and see for yourself!]
All that said, I can't help but find the whole overall lack of concern endearing.  Why not? You're only in college once.

Young love - oh the drama!
With spring fever comes a time for love...or something like it.  For example, take this conversation that I overheard in a girls' bathroom downtown:

Girl #1: So if I text him, "Hey, come meet me downtown," am I being too subtle?
Girl #2: Yes, DEFINITELY.  If you want him, you should text "I want to _____ your _____" [...and she actually said, "blank your blank"]

...[That's the sound of me acting invisible while they continue this conversation which quickly goes in a direction I most certainly do not want to go with them.]

Ah, youth.  Going downtown is always a study in the collegiate mating rituals, but something EXTRA comes over them in the spring.  The natives get restless. I've seen a number of teary arguments and a couple of actual fights, all in the name of love. Or lust. Or whatever.

OK - one more...

The post-Spring Break letdown
It's almost as if Mother Nature knows that she's teasing students as they return from their break in Florida or the Caribbean.  While our weather here in the 'burg was actually quite pleasant and in the 60's while they were gone, students were hit with a slug of wind, rain and cold upon their return from their tropical locales.  And if the weather wasn't enough, they were bombarded with projects, papers and exams (I'm guilty of contributing to this) when they got back.  This is one of the things I decidedly do NOT miss about college!

But they (and I) just need to be patient because the consistently beautiful weather is just around the corner.  And as much as I complain, Blacksburg really IS beautiful in the spring! :)  And while the below photo is NOT from the 'burg, it is from my recent trip to Asheville with my sis and I figured Asheville is a pretty mountain town so it's close enough, right?  Happy Spring!


  1. This post is awesome! And you are saying instead of BLANKS the girl should have actually used real words right? Like I want to hold your hand or I want to drive your car or something like that? ;)

    I am so excited it is almost Spring!

  2. solution: sneak an indemnification clause into the honor code of our next exam and then post away, show all the embarrassing things we wear. Oh but we don't have any more exams... well, just offer extra credit and people will post pictures for you

  3. Liz, that's a fun game! How about:

    I want to wear your shoes.
    I want to shake your hand.
    I want to kill your cat.

    OK maybe not that last one.

    "Anonymous" - I think you're on to something! Hm...I'm envisioning a whole new blog based on wanting to give my students makeovers. Stay tuned...
