Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Home Alone

ProMo is off on another international conference adventure which means over a week of "bachelorette" time for me!  Since we've moved to the 'burg, this has happened pretty often, which is great for him and his career.  For me, well...

Initially, I whine.  I say that I'll be lonely.  He and I hang out all the time and many days he's the only person that I talk to, so when he's gone I can go the entire day without talking to anyone.  But after a day or so, I start getting used to it.

Then, the inner OCD geek comes out.

I kind of like...OK...I really like being in control of my schedule, meals, and of course the television.  I should not admit this, but I even plan out all my meals (normal) and at least one household chore (not as normal) every day.  I print off a schedule - which is actually supposed to be a meal planner - and I change the column of "snacks" to "chores."  I really enjoy doing it and I follow it every time.

I know. I'm not right.

While I do get excited about it like the nerd that I am, I am also fully aware that my days are playing out like a scene (below) from the movie 40 Year Old Virgin

Seriously.  If I had little figurines to paint like Andy (Steve Carell) did in the movie, I probably would.  Instead, I do one or all of the following: play Wii, sing karaoke or do sudoku puzzles. 

It makes me wonder what I would be like if I were still single. While I would love to think I'd be sipping a glass of wine in a bubble bath every night, I'm pretty sure I'd just be curled up with some puzzles and a dog and maybe some Glee.  And frankly, that wouldn't be so bad.

1 comment:

  1. oh Stela, we all have our inner-geek time fillers! Have you seen my scrapbooks?! When do you think I do all that? on those quiet weekends when no one is around to witness how nerdy I am ;)
