Monday, February 14, 2011

A Valentine

And now...a serious post. My Valentine to the Mill.

Dear Adams Mill Bar & Grill, a.k.a. "The Best Bar in DC" [as declared by ProMo, Spring 2007]:

Oh, Mill. I read the stories. I know your doors have closed for good.  Will you become another bar? A (gasp!) Panera? Too soon to tell.  But rather than focus on the sadness I feel for those who will never know the awesomeness that is a refreshing beverage on a summer afternoon on your patio, I will choose to relive some of our happier times together.

My attempt to make my bar photo look artsy :)

I guess it all started with that season of bachelorette parties - 2003? The patio, the bar, the fact that you were a little off the beaten path (a little, not much).

We parted ways for a few years but met up again (it was fate!) when ProMo and I moved to Adams Morgan and you were just down the street. It was love! There were the lazy evenings with tater tots, beer and great conversation with the most kick-ass bartenders ever.  There were also those crazy nights of dancing until the lights came on and everyone got kicked out but us.  Usually we fell somewhere in between. And we loved it every time.


Sure your bathrooms were busted, the drink glasses stuck to the bar, and your upper floors were sweltering no matter the season or number of people in there. But you made up for it in so many ways:

You let our dog come with us to happy yappy hour on the patio.

Marlon ready to do some grass roots marketing at yappy hour

You hosted ProMo's graduation party.

Tame moments at ProMo's graduation party

You helped us make a love connection with Dana and Dan.  You had our backs when we "defended" our bar stools. You didn't care what time we came in, we were always welcome. We always saw friendly, familiar faces...even after we moved.

Santa Crawl 2010.  Didn't know it would be out last time at the Mill!

We know you had a rep for being a typical dive bar, but to us you were more: lots of love, smiles, dancing and drinks.

Best bartenders at the best bar!

We'll miss you!!


  1. this post reminds me a little of my childhood, even if it was just a short time ago. I loved spending time with my brothers, and I specifically remember James bringing David and I into my room after we received allowance, and we would discuss what we should put our money together to buy. We never actually did it, but its those memories that I would give anything to relive again.

  2. This is the most beautiful Valentine I have ever seen. Now THIS is what the holiday is all about. Hallmark might have invented it, but for true love, the day existed long before the card company. And this kind of raw emotion and love is proof that Valentines Day is every day when you have someone/thing special like the Mill in your life. It might not be there physically anymore, but I know in spirit it will always be a part of you.

  3. Thank you, Loree. I knew you would understand how this loss would truly affect me. But we just need to hold on and cherish the memories we have of a dearly departed friend.

  4. So where is my favorite bartender gonna be at now??? DC got less interesting all of a sudden :-(
