Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wait, I have a blog?

As I was playing around and surfing the web, I saw that my friend Kristen had set up a blog and something in the depths of my brain recalled that I had set one up WAAAYYY back.  And lo and behold - here it is! So Moeny was set up in July 2008 when I was moving from DC to Blacksburg, VA to track my life at that time.  It was meant to be part training log (I was training for the Virginia Beach RNR 1/2 marathon), and part diary of our adventures going from 3 big cities (New York, Baltimore, DC) to one very small town.

So I have dusted off the cobwebs and decided to try this whole blogging thing out. Will anyone read it? We'll see. But if you do, I hope you'll be entertained by my crazy but lovely life! :)


  1. WOOO i got a shout out!!! boooyahhh!

  2. Hello, why did I not hear of this sooner! I will read you, fan you ,friend you, whatever! I love it!
