Monday, February 28, 2011

Why So Serious?

Apparently, in my effort to not talk about dancing, dive bars, or students, I cranked out a pretty depressing blog post. Boo, me! Sorry about that, people.  That was never my intention!  I guess I was just caught up in a moment.  Or maybe, more than anything else, it was just an excuse to put up fun old pictures and raise a virtual glass to my amazing friends. :)

ProMo raising a, coconut... 'cuz he's wrong in all the right ways

SO, despite the rainy Monday and the bittersweet basketball game on Saturday night (I don't wanna talk about it), my mood has improved throughout the day.  This is probably mostly because Spring Break is around the in, Friday!!  And yes, faculty do have to work over Spring Break, but I am choosing to take a couple of vacation days as long weekends to squeeze in some trips.  I'm sure I'll have some great stories to share in future posts.

But for now, I have a pretty good backlog of topics that I can't wait to dig into.  Even though they won't all happen tonight, this does tell me that I need to get cracking on updating this more regularly!  Some of these topics include:
  • Topic 1: Reality TV (how have I NOT talked about Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler on Idol or that lovable cowboy lug that is The Bachelor AT ALL?! And...THIS JUST IN - one of my original teen idols, Ralph Macchio, is going to be on Dancing with the Stars!! First New Kid on the Block Joey McIntyre, now the Karate Kid? Be still my heart...)


  • Topic 2: My insane yet awesome dogs, Marlon Jackson Moen and Tito "Eli" Jackson Moen! Oh, have I not mentioned that my dogs are and will forever be named after the Jackson 5 (and their siblings, when I get to 6 names)?
Marlon and the Pringles perp.

The Original Marlon and Tito flanking Michael.

  • Topic 3: Travel adventures (lots of fun trips coming up!)
High security in the Philippines.  Not getting through that sucker.

    • ...and the gift that keeps on giving...students and my crazy life in academia.  I hope to bring you more amusing stories of my awkward 30-something city-girl self STILL trying to navigate this town of mostly temporary 18-22 year old residents.

    On a related side note to that last bullet, I have invested in a digital voice recorder.  Originally, I wanted to buy it for some interviews that I do for work, but then I realized that it may be a tremendous benefit for my blog.

    To test out this theory, I brought my new gadget out in downtown Blacksburg on Friday night. And, my was. awesome.  If I do say so myself.

    While it's a bit long, rambling and inside-jokey to all include now, here's a little sample of my observations:

    The scene - Friday night, Hokie House.

    ["Genie in a Bottle" by Christina Aguilera and "Criminal" by Fiona Apple have already played.]

    Me, speaking into my new favorite toy: They're playing the Spice Girls now. Spice Girls! PLEASE TRY to convince me this is not a 90's bar. This is, like, the 3rd 90's song we've heard in a row. [Pause. Sense of recognition.] 

    Oh my gosh...these people were, like, 5 years old when this song was popular.  OK, maybe 8. AT BEST 8...They would have to have been born in 1989 to be 8. So that's like, seniors. [BTW, I'm impressed by my quick math skills in this situation, but still mad at my overuse of the word "like."]

    [Silence while I scan the crowd.]

    AND not all these people are seniors. [Pause. scan.] In fact, I would venture to say that 30% of the people here have a Fake ID.

    [Another pause, moment of reflection, a-ha moment, and finally, mock horror] 

    They are shutting down Adams Mill but they're letting these people drink?!?  It's a travesty.  A TRAVESTY!

    ...AANNNDD scene.  Welcome to a taste of a "chill" night for us in the 'burg.  This was followed by sporadic visits from students, who were all quite polite, if not always the most sober. 

    But back to the blog!

    While there is endless hilarious material on life in this town, I WILL get serious every once in a while.  There are some pretty significant anniversaries coming up for me, and since this is the best forum for expression that I have, you'll see it all here!

    But don't worry, I never take myself TOO seriously so you shouldn't either. ;)


    1. So when are you getting a Flip Video Cam?? :-)

    2. Leo, that was actually one of the things I said on the voice recorder! I was lamenting the lack of a flip cam because there were a lot of film-worthy happenings at the Hokie House that night! :) So...when are you visiting again?

    3. Soon! I gotta figure out when the fare specials are in effect :-)
