Friday, March 23, 2012


Just before Spring Break [side note: living in a college town means measuring time by semesters and breaks], I was able to partake in one of the rare joys of being immersed in a college atmosphere.

I judged a talent show.

Now call me old fashioned, but my first thoughts when I hear the words "talent show" are of my first grade solo routine to "Funkytown" choreographed by my then-11 year old sister.  Well...either that or the kid who sang "The Gambler" every single year of elementary school (and perhaps even into middle school) complete with his clear green visor.

BUT I am not that naive, and I know that Talent Shows these days...and in this atmosphere...are far more along the lines of, say wet t-shirt contests in Cabo than Mr. Wizard magic sets that cost $19.99 at Toys R Us.

And so there I was, front row center, flanked by three of the University's finest athletes.


So. much. judging.

Over 30 fraternities and sororities with varying levels of preparedness and intricacies in their routines poured their blood, sweat, and alcohol-soaked tears out on that stage.  Trust me when I say there is so much to say about it, and yet so much that words could never truly capture.  But here are the things that I learned as a collegiate talent show judge:

The pensive...

College students are creative. Not all of them were, and there was certainly a "theme" of the good routines, but it was clear (and surprising) that most of them put in a great deal of time and effort to make sure that they could compete.

Never underestimate the power of bragging rights.  Because that was all that was at stake in this competition.  No money. No mass recognition. Simply - bragging rights.

And the snarky...

Stage lighting is never flattering to the back of a female's legs. Period.

While you would think boys have no shame, they do. Especially the poor kid who not only somehow drew the short stick and had to don a pink Speedo, but he also had the misfortune of poorly executing a somersault.  Face plants are always embarrassing. Face plant in your hot pink Speedo? Even worse.

And I have to say...

Neon clothing and accessories are just as ridiculous now as they were it in the 80's. Trust.

Seriously. Does ANYONE think this look needs a comeback?

But it was all in good fun. And for "charity" (as all massive gatherings of fraternities and sororities are, obviously). And truth be told, I was not horrified, or scandalized, or even envious. It was just another day in my crazy life. :)

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